Meet – Viv Clements-Simmonds – Australia
19 May 2021 | Meet The Judges

Get to Know a Nailympia Expert in 22 Steps…
NAME: Viv Clements (Simmonds)
Business name: VIVid Nails & VIVid Nails Academy
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Nationality: Australian

Viv Clements-Simmonds – Australia
Who Trained You: Too many names to list but predominantly; Tom Holcomb, Alisha Rimando, Catherine Wong, Antony Buckley
Years in Nails: Nearly 30 years
Years Judging: 8-10 years
Nail Brand You Represent/Use: Akzentz Professional
Role in Industry: ICE (International Certified Educator) for Akzentz, importer & distributor for Australia & New Zealand
Favourite Trade Exhibition: I used to love Vegas!
Favourite Nail Tool: My Art Liner/Detailer Brush
Favourite Book: The Godfather
Favourite Movie: Tombstone amongst many others
Favourite Food: Italian
Favourite Vacation Destination: Narooma & Lakes Entrance in Australia and Bali for overseas
Your Hobbies: Fishing, reading
What Inspires Your Work: Everything really. We are all surrounded by inspiration everywhere we look.
Who You Admire In Industry: I love Anita Podoba’s work, Olena Ozman, Lilija Michalikova and way too many more to list! We have so many phenomenal artists in our industry!
Top Technique You’ve Mastered: Realistic hand painting with gel
Hot Tip or Trick for Competitors: Be prepared and organised. Know what is expected, practice, I strongly advise training with an award-winning educator, read then re-read the rules and criteria, check your kit twice to make sure you have everything you need.
What Lockdown Has Taught You: How much I took my life for granted I suppose, not that I didn’t appreciate everyday how lucky I have been to have done the things I have done, but I never imagined in my wildest dreams I would lose my freedom to travel, to hug someone without reservation, to jump in the car to go to the shops etc, even the most simple things as popping over to my brother’s house or a friend’s house that live just five minutes down the road.
Why Nailympia: The organisation of the competition with the judges line up, the professionalism, etiquette and opportunity to learn and grow professionally from a reputable, long-standing and world-renowned competition.
Instagram: vivsimmonds
Twitter: vivsimmonds
Facebook: Viv Simmonds