Meet – Valerie Ducharme – Canada
28 February 2021 | Meet The Judges

Get to Know a Nailympia Expert in 25 Steps…

Valerie winning Nails Next Top Nail Artist (NTNA) – Season 5 – 2018
NAME: Valerie Ducharme
Business name: Academy & Distribution Valerie Ducharme
Location: Province Québec, Canada
Nationality: Canadien
Who Trained You: France Lecuyer Academy
Years in Nails: 17 years
Years Judging: 4 years
Nail Brand You Use: VD product, CND, En Vogue, Polygel Gelish
Role in Industry: Educator, ambassador & distributor
Favourite Trade Exhibition: Premiere Orlando Show
Favourite Nail Tool: Extension form
Favourite Book: Miracle Morning
Favourite Movie: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Food: A lot of starters: French fries; Ceasar salad; onion soup; cheese & bread
Favourite Vacation Destination: Iceland
Your Hobbies: I love to read cards such as the Tarot
What Inspires Your Work: The Fashion Week designer collections
Who You Admire In Industry: Jan Arnold for her creativity
Top Technique You’ve Mastered: Mix mania innovation of creation
Advice to Competitors: Create something with a theme you’ve never seen before. Be innovative
Hot Tip or Trick for Competitors: Ask yourself : How did she do that? Take your ideas from that point…
What Lockdown Has Taught You: I’ve become a better teacher, with new teaching tricks I’ve learned from my online training.
A Funny Day/Memory At The Nail Desk: When I was a floor judge and discreetly slipped my hand under the curtain pretending to be the last contestant. I heard the judges questioning what to do as my nails did not represent or fit the category at all. It was a funny moment.
An Affirmation You Love: Develop success, attitudes & skills by practice and action
Why Nailympia: It’s a pure selfishness. I learn so much alongside the best judges and top competitors around the world. Together we form a whole for the prosperity of the industry. The most beautiful community of passionate nail techs.
Instagram: @vdnailart
Facebook: @vdnailart
TikTok: @vdnailart