Meet – Rebecca Manz – Australia
22 April 2021 | Meet The Judges

Get to Know a Nailympia Expert in 25 Steps…
NAME: Beck Manz – Bex to my overseas nail family
Business name: Beckz Nailz
Location: Brisbane Australia – just had my 24th move!
Nationality: Australian
Who Trained You: After a 6-week course, my mentor was Tanya Sherlock – we lived in a small country town of about 10,000 people where I ended up being the only nail tech after Tanya retired.
Years in Nails: 21 years in salon, trainer/educator, running competitions
Years Judging: Around 10 years in some form or another as administration, on the microphone then comp manager Brisbane & Perth all while assisting Nailympia in Australia
Nail Brand You Represent/Use: Nail Harmony
Role in Industry: Home salon & assisting with administration of Nailympia London
Favourite Trade Exhibition: Olympia Beauty – nothing has come close yet
Favourite Nail Tool: Cuticle Pusher
Favourite Book: Getting Your Sh*t Together!
Favourite Movie: Anything with Leonardo Di Caprio
Favourite Food: Thai
Favourite Vacation Destination: Canada
Your Hobbies: Swimming, renovating and it feels like moving house should be in here too…
What Inspires Your Work: Helping others create to the best of their own abilities and watching the penny drop with a newly learned technique
Who You Admire In Industry: Anyone who supports others to be the best version of themselves and pushes them to go beyond their own boundaries
Top Technique You’ve Mastered: Too many to remember!

Bex Manz & Alex Fox getting ready for the Nailympia London awards
Advice to Competitors: Leave your ego at the door because everyone is vulnerable when competing. Shit Happens to everyone no matter your experience – good shit and bad shit, so be proud of your good shit and learn from your bad shit.
Hot Tip or Trick for Competitors: Read the rules thoroughly – numerous times…
What Lockdown Has Taught You: That I need to keep very busy.
A Funny Day/Memory At The Nail Desk: Never ever even when learning did I ever give a cuticle cut to anyone – except my mother.
An Affirmation You Love: Life is all about the journey…
Why Nailympia: It’s my biggest nail family where I can use everything from hand signals to Google translate or a hug to a competitor – they all speak volumes to the right people.
Instagram: beck_manz
Facebook: Rebecca Manz