Meet – Milena Mingozzi – Italy
19 May 2021 | Meet The Judges

Get to Know a Nailympia Expert in 23 Steps…
NAME: Milena Mingozzi
Business name: I’m ROXY
Location: Italy
Nationality: Italian
Who Trained You: I attended my basic preparation and nail art courses with the greatest nail artists in the world: Malsaeva, Shanskaya, Sacripante, Bonvicini, Trang Nguyen, Khabelkaeva … and many others.
Years in Nails: 31 years
Years Judging: 5 years
Nail Brand You Represent/Use: I’m Roxy
Role in Industry: Master nail art educator, competition coach & mentor
Favourite Trade Exhibition: Cosmoprof Bologna
Favourite Nail Tool: Sculpting brush and my L&P acrylic powder system
Favourite Book: Divine Comedy
Favourite Movie: Pride & Prejudice
Favourite Food: Fish & chips
Favourite Vacation Destination: When with family – everywhere
Your Hobbies: Model making, doing puzzles, embroidery & gardening
What Inspires Your Work: The world around me, nature, colours & the wind.
Who You Admire In Industry: Alex Fox, Malsaeva, Khabelkaeva, Bonvicini.
Top Technique You’ve Mastered: Nail & 3D sculpture
Hot Tip or Trick for Competitors: Always believe in it and never give up. Participate in competitions, always observe other’s at work, because with your eyes you can steal the secrets of the trade.
A memory from the nail desk: A client, a long time ago, asked if she could move the nail extensions back and forth every day!
An Affirmation You Love: Always love never hate.
Why Nailympia: It has always been the most important nail competition circuit in Europe. It’s the one which the whole nail world watches, and which many have used as an example and benchmark when organising their own national events.
Instagram: Milena.Mingozzi
Facebook: Milena Mingozzi