Meet – Krasimira Petrova – Bulgaria/Austria
28 February 2021 | Meet The Judges

Get to Know a Nailympia Expert in 25 Steps…
NAME: Krasmira Petrova
Business name: Krasi Mira Enterprise
Location: Vienna, Austria
Nationality: Bulgarian
Who Trained You: Antony Buckley, Danny Haile, Tom Holcomb & Elena Maltseva
Years in Nails: 18 years
Years Judging: 12 years
Nail Brand You Represent: Gelish, Hand & Nail Harmony & Morgan Taylor
Role in Industry: Educator, distributor & salon owner
Favourite Trade Exhibition: Intercharm Moscow, Russia
Favourite Nail Tool: The Spoon Pusher & Go File by Gelish
Favourite Book: Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukov
Favourite Movie: No Reservations
Favourite Food: A mish mash
Favourite Vacation Destination: Santorini, Greece
Your Hobbies: Latin Dancing, cooking and art
What Inspires Your Work: Creative people and all the beauty around
Who You Admire In Industry: Danny Haile, David Daniel, Gari-Dawn Tingler, Antony Buckley, Elena Maltseva, Alisha Rimando, Georgie Smedley, Alex Fox, Tom Holcomb (even though he’s now passed away I will always admire him)
Top Technique You’ve Mastered: Pink & White and nail art – any type
Advice to Competitors: Work on your emotional intelligence just as much as on your nail skills, because this is your #1 enemy!
Hot Tip or Trick for Competitors: Choose your model wisely!
What Lockdown Has Taught You: A very close friend of mine told me during this difficult time, ‘Krasi, relax and Osim Chaim – check this on the internet’. After checking I found a story regarding the meaning of these words, which I found so incredible, that I’m sharing a small part with you.
‘’…Do not solve problems, not to make money, not looking for answers to questions, not to set goals and reach them without losing weight, after all, no! Just enjoy the life!’’ V. Hugo
My interpretation is drink your favourite coffee, eat your favourite food, dress well, do things that bring joy into your day, be good to yourself and others, laugh and enjoy life!
An Affirmation You Love: I can BE, I can DO and HAVE everything I wish anytime, anywhere
Why Nailympia: Simply because this is the most upright competition in the world. The judging process is like a symphony; smooth, fair, easy and thanks to the ingeniously structured judging system, we can really relax and enjoy the time without stress. Last, but not least, Alex Fox and team with their vibrant and contagious energy make everybody addicted to this special life event and memorable experience.
Krasimira Nail Academy
Instagram: krasimirap
Twitter: Krasimira Petrova
Facebook: Krasimira Petrova