Meet – Jacqueline O’Sullivan – UK
19 May 2021 | Meet The Judges

Get to Know a Nailympia Expert in 23 Steps…
NAME: Jacqueline O’Sullivan
Location: Manchester
Nationality: British
Who Trained You: I’ve trained with many amazing people during my time in the nail industry. And I’m still learning now.
Years in Nails: 26 years.
Years Judging: 16 years.
Nail Brand You Represent/Use: Artistic, Rock Hard, Footlogix & Famous Names.
Role in Industry: Educator & ambassador
Favourite Trade Exhibition: Olympia Beauty UK
Favourite Nail Tool: My L&P Brush
Favourite Book: The Positive Habit by Fiona Brennan
Favourite Movie: Sliding Doors
Favourite Food: Seafood Paella
Favourite Vacation Destination: New Orleans
Your Hobbies: Nails, Nails, Nails!!!
What Inspires Your Work: My students and all the amazing people that compete at Nailympia
Who You Admire In Industry: I admire so many amazing people in our industry, the list is endless.
Top Technique You’ve Mastered: Reverse Application
Advice to Competitors: It’s vital that you arrive at the competition arena fully prepared and in good time for the briefing that’s delivered by the head floor judge prior to the start of each contest. Ensure you listen and understand the information given to you and if unsure of any points, ask questions. Points will never be deducted for asking questions.
- Prior preparation prevents poor performance … practice, practice, practice
- Ensure you read all the rules carefully prior to the competition; if unsure call the organiser to clarify.
- Be organised; make sure you have extra products in your kit in case anything breaks or becomes damaged in transit.
- Make lists as you go along, so you don’t forget anything.
- Try to stay calm; things that go wrong on the day may be beyond your control. Panicking will never solve any issues. Staying calm will help you work through and become a better competitor or winner.
- Look at past winner’s work and learn from them.
- Your model is an integral part of the competition, so make sure they understand what is expected of them. Your model’s hands and nails are important, remember they are the canvas that showcases your work.
Hot Tip or Trick for Competitors: Study the work of past competition winners.
What Lockdown Has Taught You: Patience, positivity & Microsoft Teams.
An Affirmation You Love: The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill and the willingness to learn is a choice.
Why Nailympia: This competition gives nail artists from around the world, including the UK, the chance to showcase their outstanding talent and creativity. Competitors are able to learn and create nails alongside other world class talent. I believe Nailympia has become the international industry standard, putting art, technical ability and creativity at the heart of our industry. Every year I’m astounded by the level of skill shown by competitors and humbled to be part of a superb team of world-class judges. Anyone who is anyone, from the pinnacle of the world of nails takes part and we all work together without any egos or bias to judge fairly and ensure the integrity of the Nailympia international competition model.
Facebook: Jacqueline O’Sullivan