Judges From Around the World that Support Nailympia Competitions

2 Nailympia Judge
Tatiana Litvinov
Academy & Distribution| Consultant| Developer of Industry Standards| Influencer| Online training| Product Research & Development
Area of judging expertise: Technical - structure.
Years as a judge: 6
Number of Nailympia events judged: 2
Nailympia events judged: London, Germany
Are you an educator?: Yes
Industry accolades: - World Nail Champion
- Triple A Professional licensed by World Nail Association
- Best Nail Academy in Romania awarded by Cosmobeauty
- Best Nail Technician in Romania awarded by Cosmobeauty
- Personality of the Year in the Beauty Industry, awarded by Cosmobeauty
- President of the Jury at Nailart France 2019-present
- National and International champion 2006-2015
Favourite nail brands: TL Nail System, Famous Names, Akzentz, Harmony & Astonishing
Industry figures you admire: Tom Holcomb, Olena Ozman, Cecilia Gimenez, Victor Havier Badillo, Elena Popova, Elena Maltseva, Mino Vo & Alex Fox
Career biography: - 1st place at the Moldavian Championship in mix-media design, 2010, 2nd place at the Moldavian Championship in Gel Technology, 2010, 3rd place at the Moldavian Championship in Acrylic Technology, 2010, 1st place at the online competition 'Winter Fantasy' at Chisinau, 2010, 1st place Extreme Stiletto at IBS Las Vegas, Nailpro Competition 2013, 2nd place US INVITATIONAL GEL at IBS Las Vegas, Nailpro Competition 2013, World Nail Champion 2015, organiser of the Nailpro Competition 2016-2021, International judge since 2016, International Master Educator since 2010, organiser of the educational nail events since 2018, owner of the TL NAIL INSTITUTE since 2008, owner & developer of the TL NAIL SYSTEM nail care products brand since 2021.
Personal biography: As a person, as Tatiana Litvinov, I am an explorer. My favourite hobby is my career, but in my free time I really love hiking in the mountains because it gives me the feeling of total freedom & at the same time, seeing the greatness of our nature. Walking long distances always clears my mind, giving me the greatest ideas & keeping me fit &healthy.
Also I really love to read books about brain activity, neuroscience, personal development, business, well being & nail chemistry. All these, together with my business degree, help me to improve my lifestyle & business
Why you believe in nail competitions?: I believe in nail competitions because they build in us, as a technicians, a strong character, which leads us to success in our career. A competition is not only about becoming a champion, but also about becoming a personality, somebody who defeats his/her own fears, who builds vision, perseverance, consistency & discipline - we need all these qualities to become an industry leader! I can proudly say the competitions built a big part of me, they helped me to grow an international name & achieve my professional dreams! I always say to my students that they never lose in a competition, they always win!
Advice to competitors: My advice is always choose to compete & go for as many categories you can because you never know, which one you will perform better in. I highly recommend to rest one week before the competition & don’t do nails at all, leave some peace to your mind & your hands. On the day when the competition starts, wake up early & make 2 nails, get in the mood & in shape, this way you are heading to the arena already prepared!
Last but not least - HAVE FUN! This is a beautiful world, where you can know a lot of passionate technicians like you, here you build your network 😊