Judges From Around the World that Support Nailympia Competitions

11 Nailympia Judge
Stefanie Lo Re
Competition Organiser| Consultant
Area of judging expertise: Technical, stucture, P&W
Years as a judge: 26
Number of Nailympia events judged: 11
Nailympia events judged: London, Germany
Are you an educator?: Yes
Industry accolades: I have won several trophies in Germany, European & world championships.
Favourite nail brands: Not a specific brand, I´m always looking for high quality & I don't care about the costs.
Industry figures you admire: Vitaly Solomonoff, David Fowler, Karin Ström & Jan Arnold
Career biography: Stefanie began her career in the beauty business the day she was born. Born into a renowned German & European family business for hair design, her father showed perfection in hair design skills & her mother in perfect business & organisation skills. At the age of 18 she began working professionally in handcare and nailcare. Stefanie's perfection in her craft increased her reputation in Düsseldorf & within just two years she quickly became a popular nail designer. This success awakened her competitive spirit & she began her legendary competition career. Stefanie held the German Championship title several times. She continued to compete internationally & earned countless European & international titles. She quickly became known as 'the instructor who shows it all & shares all her experiences without keeping anything to herself'! Stefanie has trained in over 50 countries & countless cities, coaching world-class colleagues who have achieved their dreams, etc.
Personal biography: For the past 30 years I lived for nails & the industry so I had no time for hobbies. Even after my daily studio work I trained in nails, so I would say it was not just a job ;-), however, I've always had a German shepard or two, so I guess I can say, that this was my hobby and still is ;-). Other then that I love to be in nature, music, going to the gym & meeting my friends these days. I have learned that it's important to have a balance in your life, it just took a while for mr to find that out ;-).
Why you believe in nail competitions?: Nobody can take this experience away from someone. You get to know many new colleagues & you take a lot with you as a nail designer through discussions & observing. Being judged by many different judges at an international level will always give you new motivation to keep training & try to get even more points next time. Competitions have always been important to create new opportunities & perspectives for nail designers & to make their dreams come true. Nailympia Competitions is also excellent training ground for everyday studio work. As a designer you automatically become faster, more precise & more efficient. You leave your comfort zone & experience things that make you escape from everyday life. The circle of colleagues will also expand, because it's good to have contacts & to be able to exchange ideas instead of walking the path alone.
Advice to competitors: The more you participate, the better your performance gets. You will develop friendships & exchange ideas or test new products. During the championships you will have a lot of fun & at the same time you will learn through a lot of diligence, a lot of sacrifice, hard work & a lot of discipline to reach your limits & to overcome them. Giving up is never an option, even if you're not always the best, you keep going & don't stop, because one thing is clear to all of us, you're always learning & the experience can't be taken away from you. The best part is the score sheets. Break down your work, go home & continue training straight away. Yes, you could say, you can become addicted to it. In the studio you train speed & rhythm, in a championship you train precision & consistency. You can't lose, you can only win, I learned that through Nailympia.