Judges From Around the World that Support Nailympia Competitions

3 Nailympia Judge
Sean Patrick O’Sullivan
United Kingdom
Academy| Competition Organiser| Consultant
Area of judging expertise: Assessment of scoring and competition organisation
Years as a judge: 25
Number of Nailympia events judged: 3
Nailympia events judged: London, China
Are you an educator?: Yes
Industry accolades: Became Lead Nail Judge for WorldSkills UK Nail Competitions 2015 - 2023. Competition Director for Professional Beauty Magazine Nail Competitions 2021 - to date & scoring manager/verifier for Nailympia Competitions.
Favourite nail brands: Artistic Nail Design
Industry figures you admire: Jacqueline O'Sullivan, Alex Fox, Marian Newman, Helena Biggs, Eve Oxberry, Kirsty Meakin, Hazel Dixon & many more.
Career biography: Sean O’Sullivan has over 28 years experience in the nail industry with proven teaching & motivational expertise & vast experience delivering first class training & assessments in nail technology. He holds qualifications in all aspects of nail care, verification, assessment & graphic art & design. He has been involved in managing & judging numerous national & international nail competitions & was the lead nail judge for WorldSkills UK, the biggest vocational education & skills excellence event in the world. He is now, along with his wife Jacqueline, the Competition Director for Professional Beauty Magazine Nail Competitions. Sean has worked with a number of awarding bodies & within the Further Education sector as well as a number of product manufacturing companies & distributors. Sean is the scoring manager & verifier for Nailympia Competitions.
Personal biography: I enjoy traveling & eating out. I follow football & am a Manchester United supporter. My favourite pastime is spending time with my wife Jacqueline.
Why you believe in nail competitions?: I believe competitions are a way our industry can learn to develop & move forward. Nailympia is an amazing international competition like no other in our industry & helps people from all over the world compete, learn & stretch themselves.
Advice to competitors: Read the rules & prepare properly., Check your kit, all your products & if you are unsure regarding anything, ask questions.