Judges From Around the World that Support Nailympia Competitions

4 Nailympia Judge
Madelene Wolf
Academy| Academy & Distribution| Consultant| Salon
Area of judging expertise: Technical part, Pink & White, Stiletto
Years as a judge: 4
Number of Nailympia events judged: 4
Nailympia events judged: London, Germany, Online
Are you an educator?: Yes
Industry accolades: Long time competitor & teacher. Swedish Champion, 2 x European Champion, Winner of Winners Nailympia London & 1st Nailympia Global Champion alongside many more medals & trophies in various competitions worldwide.
Favourite nail brands: Madelene Wolf Naildesign
Industry figures you admire: I admire so many, especially people who put their whole soul into our business. I still miss Tom Holcomb.
Career biography: I've been a nail technician since 1997. In 2017 I started dreaming about creating my own nail brand Wolf. In 2020 everything became a reality & I have a full range of high quality nail products for professional nail therapists.
I've competed in both national & international competitions over the years, I have won 68 medals & trophies. Biggest & most prestigious is Global Champion, which I became at Nailympia London in 2017. From that time I started to travel around the world to teach others in competition style Pink & White, which is my passion. I love the details in perfection of structure and form. I'm so happy to see so many of my students that I've trained succeed in their dreams of becoming the best in the world.
I run my own academy in Sweden, teaching & selling my product line.
Personal biography: I'm a person who has a bit of a hard time being still. I love having ideas & trying to make them come true. I am probably considered a kind & caring person who wants everyone's best & success for all. Besides my passion for nails, I love to travel & play golf & being with my family & friends. I love to wake up every day healthy & with lots of new possibilities.
Why you believe in nail competitions?: I can only relate to my successes that started in the competition arena. I found so many new lovely people who were burning for competitions & nail perfection in the way I do. Getting to push myself to get better & better every time. The best part is the score sheets. Break down your work, go home continue training & practice straight away. I'm convinced that this helped me to stand today as Global Champion & look back at my solid prize shelf.
Advice to competitors: First of all, find a model that has both nice nail beds, fingers & you have fun with. Train your model to help you see all the steps in your applications & file techniques from their point of view. I always say that a nail competition is like a couples dance, you work together.
Read the rules properly so you don't have to sit at the competition arena & think about what to do.
Find different people to take courses with & take with you the best tips & techniques from them all & you will see that you will stand as a winner!
Never give up!