Judges From Around the World that Support Nailympia Competitions

1 Nailympia Judge
Academy| Academy & Distribution| Online training| Salon
Area of judging expertise: Floor Judge
Years as a judge: 11
Number of Nailympia events judged: 1
Nailympia events judged: London
Are you an educator?: Yes
Industry accolades: * Educator of the Year 2024 (of DNA, Dutch Nail Artist by Tamara Bhagoe)
* Dutch Nail Competition - 2010 - 2nd Place - French competition
* Global Vega Beauty Championship - 2021 - Sculpture 4D / 5D - Debut Instructor Category - 3rd Place
* Global Vega Beauty Championship - 2021 - Tip Box Christmas Idea 1 Tip - 2nd Place
* Winter Championship Moscow - 2021 - Mix Media 3D - Debut Instructor Category - 1st Place
* Briliant Cup Beauty World Dubai - 2022 - Master Instructor Category - Tip Box Media - 1st Place
* Summer Beauty Fest Championship - 2022 - Master Category Nails Section - 3 / 5/ 10 Mix Media Box - 1st Place
Favourite nail brands: Artistic Nail Design, Famous Names Products & Reymerink Products
Industry figures you admire: Anneke van der Sar, Jim Nordstrom, Linda Nordstrom & Doug Schoon
Career biography: I began my journey in nail styling in 2005 as a hobby, but I quickly progressed to working in a reputable nail salon. After three years, I was invited to join a nail competition team in the Netherlands, which marked the start of my competitive career. Since then, I have competed in numerous Dutch competitions.
Two years later, I was offered the opportunity to become an educator in nail styling. After completing educator training, I established my own nail school. In 2013, I became an educator for DNA (Dutch Nail Artist by Tamara Bhagoe).
Since 2022, I have been collaborating with Anneke van der Sar to deliver education for Artistic Nail Design. Over the years, I’ve participated in many Dutch & international nail competitions, earning awards along the way. However, winning has never been my primary focus; instead, I value the lessons & growth that come from each competition.
Additionally, I pursued advanced training in natural nail care, specialising in the anatomy & pathology of the natural nail unit. For about 10 years, I also served as a floor judge for the Dutch Nail Competition, contributing to the industry from another perspective.
Personal biography: My name is Jozephine Frijters. I was born in 1972 in Indonesia & have been happily married since 1996. We have two wonderful children - a son & a daughter - & as of March 2024, we are now proud grandparents.
As a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a secretary & hoped to work with children or in the beauty industry one day. I successfully trained as a director secretary in a law firm, but chose to step away from this career when we started our family.
We also run another business, but my passion for the nail industry eventually inspired me to pursue education as a nail stylist. Over the years, I have developed my expertise & now specialise as a natural nail stylist, combining my love for beauty & care into my work.
Why you believe in nail competitions?: • You compete for yourself, not to impress or improve someone else. • Being a competitor teaches you so much about yourself - you discover ways to grow & push your own limits. • It’s about striving to become the best version of yourself while also learning from the skills ¶ experiences of other competitors.
Advice to competitors: • Step outside your comfort zone & push beyond your current skills. • Think creatively & believe in yourself - know that you can do it. • Winning isn’t what matters most. What’s important is taking a chance & striving to become your personal best.