Judges From Around the World that Support Nailympia Competitions

3 Nailympia Judge
Hemi Park
United States
Competition Organiser| Consultant| Influencer
Area of judging expertise: Artistic categories & organizing competitions
Years as a judge: 4
Number of Nailympia events judged: 3
Nailympia events judged: Anaheim, San Antonio, Mexico
Are you an educator?: Yes
Industry accolades: 2017 Nailympia USA Div 2 Stiletto Design 1st Place
2017 Nailympia USA Div 2 Mixed Media 2nd Place
2018 NAILS Next Top Nail Artist (NTNA) S5 overall 3rd Place
2020 NAILS Next Top Nail Artist (NTNA) S7 Judge
2019 NAILPRO Competitions ISSE Long Beach Fantasy Nails Veteran 2nd Place
2019 NAILPRO Competitions Oregon It’s All About Bling Veteran 2nd Place
2019 NAILPRO Competitions Oregon Chrome & Stamping Non. Div 1st Place
2019 NAILPRO Competitions Nailapalooza Soak Off Nails Non. Div 1st Place
LECHAT brand ambassador/content creator 2019-2023
NAILPRO Competitions ASIA-KOREA 2019 competition moderator/ambassador
NAILPRO Competitions World Cup 2020 competition coordinator
Premiere Orlando Nail Competition 2021 co-organiser
Nailympia Premiere Anaheim 2023 organiser/competition director liaison
Nailympia Premiere San Antonio 2023 organiser/competition director liaison
NAILPRO Competitions Global Competition coordinator 2020 - current
Favourite nail brands: I can’t pick favourites - I have great respect for all nail brands.
Industry figures you admire: Jim & Linda Nordstrom, along with Newton Luu & Jackie Truong, have been steadfast supporters of my professional nail career since its inception. Mentors like Jewell Cunningham, Andrea Park, Guin Deadman & Alex Fox have provided me with invaluable opportunities for growth & expansion. Their passion & leadership in the nail industry have continuously inspired me to broaden my perspective.
Career biography: My journey in the professional nail industry began over a decade ago. I initially joined LECHAT as a content creator, where I collaborated closely with the marketing team until 2023. My foray into nail competitions started in 2016 at a small event & I soon began competing & modeling for various competitors.
In 2017, I entered my first global competition, Nailympia USA (Houston) & proudly won my first medals. This achievement led me to participate in NAILPRO Competitions, ultimately presenting an exciting opportunity to oversee competitions in the US & Asia.
Since 2020, I have been working as a global competition coordinator, deeply engaged with the Korean & Asian professional nail industries while continuing to contribute to the US industry.
Personal biography: When I’m not traveling, I love spending time at home with my husband & our cats, nestled in the beautiful Northern California mountains.
Traveling for work in Korea allows me to spend cherished time with my mum. I particularly enjoy strolling around Seoul, especially along the creekside or riverside. When visiting other countries, I delight in trying new snacks & authentic local cuisine.
Why you believe in nail competitions?: I truly believe that nail competitions offer the best career education available. They are an invaluable tool for honing your skills & focusing on personal growth. Competitions are not just about perfecting your nail techniques; they provide a safe environment to challenge yourself & push beyond your limits. Additionally, competitions are a place where you can inspire others while being inspired by your fellow competitors.
Advice to competitors: You’ve achieved 50% of your goal by just showing up.
You’re at 90% when you finish what you planned.
If you leave feeling accomplished regardless of the results, then you’re a winner of your own challenge.