Judges From Around the World that Support Nailympia Competitions

1 Nailympia Judge
Charli Jepson
United Kingdom
Academy| Academy & Distribution| Online training| Salon| Session Stylist
Area of judging expertise: Salon nails, session nail stylist, runway nails, reality nail art
Years as a judge: 1
Number of Nailympia events judged: 1
Nailympia events judged: Orlando
Are you an educator?: Yes
Industry accolades: Head of education for Glitterbels. Scratch star Nail Team winners 2017 for Team Marian Newman. Scratch Star Educator of the Year 2018. Scratch Stars Nail Team of the Year winner, Glitterbels educators 2022, Scratch Stars finalist for Shooting Star Award 2022. Salon owner for 10 years. First Team for Team Marian Newman at London & Paris Fashion Week since 2014.
Favourite nail brands: Glitterbels will always have my heart. I can’t imagine using anything else nor is there a temptation too. I have never really swapped between brands, I’ve only ever used a few in my career & salon. CND, because I trained with it, so it too has a special place in my heart. Another brand I educated for & now Glitterbels. When I find a brand I love, it has to be one that offers me everything I need especially in a salon environment, that way I can invest in it & all it offers.
Industry figures you admire: Marian Newman - I’ve learned so much from her over the past decade & I'm honoured to call her my friend. Annabel Maginnis & Elliott Maginnis for how they have taken Glitterbels to the incredible success they have whilst remaining the most amazing humans ever! They are a force to be reckoned with. Annabel's talents are simply incredible! She’s also adorable & kind & I genuinely know I have the best bosses on the planet! I love, admire & respect them so much!
Jennie Nippard, Glitterbels Deputy Head. I’ve worked with Jennie at fashion weeks & teaching too & her knowledge & skills are immense! I’m so blessed to have her in my life as a colleague & a friend.
Career biography: Charli Jepson, Head of Education for Glitterbels, a dedicated professional in the nail industry with nearly 20 years of experience, has achieved remarkable milestones throughout her career. Notably, she was honoured with the prestigious Scratch Stars Educator of the Year award in 2018. She also had the privilege of assisting Marian Newman BEM for many years at London & Paris Fashion Weeks, gaining invaluable experience in the world of high fashion. As the head of education in the industry, Charli takes pride in her journey & the growth of the nail industry.
Personal biography: I’m lucky that my hobbies are my work’ like the saying goes do a job you love and you will never work a day again! That’s honestly how I feel about Glitterbels and my job. I’m also a book worm, I love nothing more than being snuggled up in my dressing gown reading, to me that’s bliss!
Save the best to last…. Being a mum. There is nothing on this earth that I love more than being with my children. Adonia is 21 now and Trent 13 and they are my biggest achievements in life and truly my best friends! They made motherhood easy and by being in this industry I have been able to balance both easily.
Why you believe in nail competitions?: Nail competitions are truly fascinating as they go beyond just nail art. These competitions serve as a platform to demonstrate exceptional creativity, mastery of techniques, and a deep-seated passion for the industry. They provide an avenue for artists to showcase their skills, learn from others, and push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of nails. I love the fact the competitive environment fosters growth, inspiration, and a sense of community among nail techs.
Advice to competitors: When you're getting ready for competitions, it's vital to keep your cool under pressure. To stay calm, try incorporating relaxation techniques like deep breathing or visualization before the event. Remember to focus on your own performance and not get distracted by others. By staying composed and confident, you'll be able to showcase your skills effectively. Additionally, make sure to read and follow the competition rules closely to ensure you're meeting all the requirements. Have fun it’s a brilliant opportunity to take part and meet like minded people.