Judges From Around the World that Support Nailympia Competitions

1 Nailympia Judge
Anastasiia Morozova
Consultant| Influencer| Online training| Product Research & Development
Area of judging expertise: Nail art, mix-media, posters, 3D nails, one stroke art. I'm mostly judging artistic topics.
Years as a judge: 7
Number of Nailympia events judged: 1
Nailympia events judged: Online
Are you an educator?: Yes
Industry accolades: 16 years in the nail industry, Gold Winner in different competitions (Ukraine, USA, Singapore, Taiwan), Grand Champion Dubai 2015, 40 trophies & medals, nail educator, content creator, blogger & a judge.
Favourite nail brands: JoyaMia, Zurno, Notpolish & Beauty Distribution.
Industry figures you admire: Mikey & Thao Nguyen - the nail CEO of the 'Notpolish' brand & Kirsty Meakin nail artist.
Career biography: 2008 started nail career , 2011 started as a nail educator, 2013-2014 nail educator & product developer with a Chinese manufacturer 2015-2019 nail educator with the LeChat nail brand, 2020 educator & content creator for Red Iguana nail brand, 2020-2021 nail educator for NuRevolution, content creator for different brands such as JoyaMia, LeChat, Notpolish, Zurno & Beauty Distribution.
Personal biography: I love Asian food & learning the Vietnamese language.
Why you believe in nail competitions?: Competitions are the best way to showcase your vision & uniqueness in the nail industry. It's one of the best ways to grow your skills & be trendy.
Advice to competitors: Never stop until your dreams come true!