Competitors From Around the World that Support Nailympia Competitions

7 Nailympia Competitor
Erika Nortier
Academy & Distribution
Area of competition expertise: All rounder, both strutture and nail art.
Years competiting: 7
Number of Nailympia events competed at: 7
Nailympia events competed at: London, Germany, Anaheim, Online
Divisions awarded medals in: Division 3
Are you an educator?: Yes
Have you been a judge?: Yes
Why did you choose to join the Nailympia circuit?: I found a second family! After my first competition I was hooked. Nailympia is an amazing competition. I tried some other competitions, but Nailympia for me is the best competition in the world! And I am here to stay! I am following my dreams. And Nailympia is what dreams are made of!
What has winning at Nailympia done for your career & confidence?: Nailympia is an amazing platform that gives visibility to the competitors on a global scale. It has absolutely helped me to grow not only as a person, but also career-wise. Nailympia has pushed me to reach higher levels & I will be forever grateful.
Industry accolades: I am an international master educator. Winner of winners in Nail Art, Grand Prix Champion, multi-competition champion winner & judge .
Favourite nail brands: I am the proud owner of my own brand. You B You Nails.
Career biography: I come from South Africa. I have been working in the nail industry for many years. Slowly, slowly I am working towards my goals . From a student, I studied to become a master educator, from there I studied to become an international master educator. Ater those goals were reached, I studied to become a champion. I created my own brand You B You Nails & I am currently the owner of 2 academies in Italy. I have come a long way since I left my home in South Africa & I can't wait to see what the future holds for me.
Personal biography: I have been married to my wonderful husband for 21 years. He has always supported me on my journey. We have 2 beautiful children, my son is 17 years old & my daughter is 15 years old.
Why you believe in nail competitions?: Participating in competitions helps you to grow. It pushes you to reach higher levels. It's both a physical & mental challenge. After working so hard & after all the sacrifices - it's great if you are able to bring a medal home! There are no words in the world that can describe that feeling! It's absolutely amazing!
Advice to other competitors: Never give up on your dreams! Always keep on fighting, no matter how hard the journey is - always believe in yourself! Use every experience & learn from it!