2023 Division Information

Division 1 – Novice (no educators)

Students and professional nail technicians that have never participated in any recognised nail competition anywhere in the world. (NO educators/ trainers to enter this category.)

NB: Nailympia will accept entrants in Div 1 providing they have not entered more than 2 national nail comps in the preceding 12 months before entering any Nailympia.

Division 2 – Apprentice (educator entry level)

Students and professional nail technicians that have competed, but never won a recognised competition anywhere in the world, but have placed up to 2nd position. All educators MUST use this as entry level unless they enter the masters - division 3.

Division 3 – Master

Any competitor that has won a world title, placed first in a recognised nail competition of any type or is ranked as a Top Competitor.


Please note: Competitors move to Division 3 if they win a gold medal or take the Winner of Winners or Overall Top Scorer trophies